CLAIM: Billy Meier Predicted That Four Heads Of State Would Die Within Seven Days Of Each Other And This Would Signal The Coming Of World War III
FINDINGS: The Four Heads Of State Did Not Die Within Seven Days Of Each Other, Nor Were All Of These Active Heads Of State At The Time Of Their Deaths.
In the Billy Meier Contact Notes called “Contact 251, Part 2” the following is written:
This will signal the first threat of a looming third world war, as foretold by a prophecy, unless terrestrial Man strives to avert this danger through reasoning and appropriate thoughts and actions. Should Man fail to act against the fulfillment of this prophecy, a new and extremely destructive weapon will be built that will produce disastrous consequences in the next world war. One important factor in this scenario is the criminal neglect to monitor the Earth from space. New weapons will once again create quite a stir, and so will the death of 4 heads of state who will die within 7 days from each other. These then are the last danger signs, which foretell that within merely 2 years of these events the long-feared world war will indeed erupt, unless terrestrials finally gain mastery over their reasoning to stop all these ills. Should this not be done, mankind will fail in its attempt to protest and boycott the new deadly weapons, because by this time the armories of many nations will be full to their capacity. Passing laws to prohibit the use of these weapons will be ineffective at this late stage. World War III cannot be averted if Man fails to finally become reasonable!
Please note the equivocating words and statements: “unless”, “should this not be done”, “if Man fails to finally become reasonable”. These are classic wiggle words used by most prophets, so-called mediums and cold readers. They allow the prophecy to fail because something has changed.
In December 2006 four Heads of State died:
Augusto Pinochet

Saparmurat Niyazov

Gerald Ford

and Saddam Hussein.

With the deaths of these four individuals Meier and his followers professed that the above prophecy had come true. Niyazov was the only active Head of State when he died, but we can let that slide for our discussion.
There are two ways in which the timeline of this prophecy can be read. One is that all four Heads of State will need to die within seven calendar days of each other from start to finish. The other is that when one dies the “clock” starts counting down seven days until the next Head of State dies and then the “clock” is reset and starts counting down another seven days until the next Head of State dies, and so on until four Heads of State die. Billy Meier never said which interpretation of the prophecy timeline was to be used. These four Heads of State did not die within seven calendar days of each other so the second interpretation is what we have to assume he meant.
Starting backward Saddam Hussein died on December 29, 2006. Three days earlier Gerald Ford died on December 26, 2006. Five days earlier Saparmurat Niyazov died on December 21, 2006. The second interpretation of the prophecy is looking pretty good so far. Unfortunately for Billy Meier and his followers, Augusto Pinochet died eleven days earlier on December 10, 2006. This means that these four Heads of State are not the Heads of State mentioned in the Contact 251, Part 2 Prophecy and it is intellectually dishonest for Meier and his followers to state otherwise.

November 2008 Update
Since originally publishing the research into this prophecy of Billy Meier's there has been some debate as to whether or not Billy Meier himself has claimed that this prophecy had come true the way that Michael Horn said that it had. Schantz Scott, a member of FIGU, contacted me and asked where I had gotten this information about the prophecy coming true and I replied that the information had come from Billy Meier's publicist, Michael Horn. Schantz had previously contacted FIGU Core Group Member, Christian Frehner, about whether or not FIGU had declared that this prophecy had come true and Mr. Frehner said that it had not.
This prompted Schantz to contact Michael Horn and ask "I'm also surprised that you would put out a press release regarding the 4 heads of state without confirming that with FIGU?" Michael Horn then replied with the following, and rather curious, statement:
"I'll start with your question about why I published my four heads of state info. The answer is startling simple: I thought that it may have fulfilled the prophecy. Since I am not an employee of Meier or FIGU, nor a member of a mind-control cult, etc. I am free to publish my opinions whether they agree with Meier's or not."
I do find it interesting that a person who is officially recognized as the spokesperson for Billy Meier does not have to check with Billy Meier before making statements on Billy Meier's behalf. It should also be noted that in December of 2006 Michael Horn was anxiously awaiting for this prophecy to come true as demonstrated by this post of his on The Black Vault Forum:
"Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 10:57 am
For those who always ask for specific prophecies, perhaps this is specific enough (then again, everyone here is such an expert, etc.):
Documented as published by Billy Meier on February 3, 1995 (and in "And Yet They Fly!", 2001, "And Yet They Fly!", 2004):
"New weapons will once again create quite a stir, and so will the death of 4 heads of state who will die within 7 days from each other. These then are the last danger signs, which foretell that within merely 2 years of these events the long-feared world war will indeed erupt, unless terrestrials finally gain mastery over their reasoning to stop all these ills."
January 2009 Update
Michael Horn’s initial claim that this prophecy came true has been proven false once again. The prophecy states that “within merely 2 years of these events the long-feared world war will indeed erupt”. These events happened in December 2006 so World War III should have “erupted” by December 2008. It didn’t.